

You & Me 1:1 Coaching


I’m so honored that your path has led you here. I truly don’t believe anything happens by chance. You are here for a purpose. We have crossed paths for a reason. You are being initiated into your fullest, most expansive, aligned, abundant self and life— and I am here to support you. To remind you of your greatness. To point you to your inner truth. To provide the tools and practices that help you navigate this journey through inner and outer space.

In our time together I will create a sacred container for you to feel safe, secure, and comfortable to be authentically yourself. You are seen. You are loved. You are worthy. You are supported. And you deserve all of your deepest desires. 

My approach to coaching emphasizes the interconnectedness of our inner and outer world— how the energetic, spiritual, and material realms are completely intertwined. Our innermost self, home, body, and life truly reflect and effect one another. During our time together we will dive deep into these layers. By transforming one aspect, a ripple effect flows through them all, ultimately alchemizing your entire life.

I believe in the concept of bio-individuality— that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to anything. We are our own greatest healers, teachers, and leaders. Although I do provide structure and insight, your intuitive knowing and individuality are highly honored and greatly influence our time together.

If you are interested in one-on-one coaching, please fill out the application form below.

Recognized Expertise


Ansley is formally certified as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (IIN HCTP) and Certified Clutter Coach (Linn Method for Clutter Clearing™). She graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelors of Fine Arts with an emphasis in Design. She is an experienced practitioner in the fields of yoga, meditation, breathwork, and Feng Shui. She consistently continues to expand and deepen her practices— as she believes this work is a lifelong journey.

Ansley's most extensive training is from her life experiences. Her own inner & outer journeys, difficulties, travels, experimentations, explorations, healing, and transformations have deeply inspired and informed her coaching practice. You can learn more about Ansley's personal journey below.

More About Me

"Ansley is an absolutely amazing, intuitive, and grounded human being. She was able to help my partner and I clear some space in our small home, making it feel lighter, more comfortable, and inviting. Ansley guides you through the processes gently and helps if there are any blockages or difficulties around particular ideas, things, and the home in general. This process helped my partner and I understand more about why we prefer things or do things the way we do, or why we struggle with what we do, which helped us grow closer and be more understanding of each other. One of my favorite things that we went over in our time working together was the detailed space clearing ceremony. I am very diligent about clearing energy in my home, but the flower offerings she suggested were a total game changer. Even if you don’t think you need to do this process, you still may learn a few things that shift the energy in your life just enough to bring in the energy you may be looking for more of. I absolutely recommend her services to anyone."


Ashley Gee

"Working with Ansley has been one of the most freeing and helpful experiences of my life. Feeling so disconnected from myself and the world around me from the pandemic and other stressors from life, she helped me gain some of that control and inner connection back. I struggle a lot with anxiety and the things in my life seem to overwhelm me, but Ansley gave me tools that I'll cherish forever, and also helped me clear both my emotional and physical clutter that was blocking my progress and growth. Over our time together, we created small and attainable goals to improve my practice of self care and overall well being. She's a kind soul with a natural ability to understand and empathize with people, no matter their situation. Working with her helped me become more aware of the energies surrounding me, and recognize the harmony in the obstacles and joy I was confronted with. She helped me overcome the fear of my energies and the energy from the universe, and embrace it, which overall made me feel more connected with myself than ever. I cannot recommend her services enough!"



Kaitlin Balfe

"I have always looked for ways to improve various areas of my life: health, relationships, education, career, and spirituality. My experience has been that most programs target one area and follow a structured system to achieve a specific goal, which often leads to feelings of failure if the predetermined milestones are not met according to plan. Ansley's coaching is helping me identify imbalances in all areas of my life. She takes an individualized approach to setting and achieving goals that are designed not only to create balance, but also to move towards more satisfaction and joy. With Ansley's guidance, we work together to uncover what is important to me and what needs more attention in my life for better balance. She employs a variety of gentle methods, utilizing thoughtful questions, goal setting, strategic planning, and meditation. The process is fluid and feels safe and stress free. As we move through the journey, I realize not only how much I have achieved, but also how I am living with more calm intention and clear awareness. I highly recommend Ansley as a coach and mentor!" 


Kathy O'Brian

Free Guided Meditation & Journal Prompts


Enjoy this opportunity to connect with your breath, body, and being. Go on a deep inner journey to connect with your inner child and your deepest truth.

Claim your FREE guided meditation and journal prompts below.