“Before working with Ansley, I felt unsure of myself. After working with her, I feel much more grounded in myself and focused on my musical path. I share my true heart now. I can see and feel growth happening. A gentler process of letting go and simultaneously focusing. Some specific results I’ve achieved in the container are that I’m in the studio working on new music consistently now, trusting myself, holding space for the beauty to pour in. I have more and more opportunities to share my music. And I still work with myself and have great days and hard days. But I trust the exciting magical days to come more often. I would describe my experience inside this 1:1 container as deep beautiful listening and a gentle towering of my heart. She listens with her whole heart. She offers true resonance. More to come! In our sessions I felt loved, held, and very grateful. Ansley is a truly talented working artist and friend. She has clarity of mind and depth of heart to create new levels of order and functionality. I have organized myself in numerous ways as a working artist and mama thanks to Ansley. She is clear and heartfelt. Deep appreciation to you Ansley, for all you are and choose to show up for.” 


“Two years ago, Ansley came into my awareness and it was a huge intuitive YES when I considered signing up for Space Alchemy. This investment resulted in becoming one of the most transformative experiences in my life! To this day I am a member of the Sanctuary and find significant support in the module content and monthly calls. Ansley shares her wisdom connected to energetics and clutter among countless other topics. She brings in the beauty of ritual and speaks to you in a way the leaves you feeling both seen and supported. She held space for me as I moved through trauma and grief and showed me how to release all the things in life, both seen and unseen, that no longer serve me. If you are considering working with Ansley, close your eyes and ask yourself, "Am I ready to change my life and truly live this human experience?" If you have encountered her and her work, you are one of the lucky ones who will get to experience a coaching container like no other. I'm incredibly grateful to know Ansley and I am living an upgraded life in large part to her innovative teachings.” 



"Working with Ansley has been one of the most freeing and helpful experiences of my life. Feeling so disconnected from myself and the world around me from the pandemic and other stressors from life, she helped me gain some of that control and inner connection back. I struggle a lot with anxiety and the things in my life seem to overwhelm me, but Ansley gave me tools that I'll cherish forever, and also helped me clear both my emotional and physical clutter that was blocking my progress and growth. Over our time together, we created small and attainable goals to improve my practice of self care and overall well being. She's a kind soul with a natural ability to understand and empathize with people, no matter their situation. Working with her helped me become more aware of the energies surrounding me, and recognize the harmony in the obstacles and joy I was confronted with. She helped me overcome the fear of my energies and the energy from the universe, and embrace it, which overall made me feel more connected with myself than ever. I cannot recommend her services enough!”



"Ansley is an absolutely amazing, intuitive, and grounded human being. She was able to help my partner and I clear some space in our small home, making it feel lighter, more comfortable, and inviting. Ansley guides you through the processes gently and helps if there are any blockages or difficulties around particular ideas, things, and the home in general. This process helped my partner and I understand more about why we prefer things or do things the way we do, or why we struggle with what we do, which helped us grow closer and be more understanding of each other. One of my favorite things that we went over in our time working together was the detailed space clearing ceremony. I am very diligent about clearing energy in my home, but the flower offerings she suggested were a total game changer. Even if you don’t think you need to do this process, you still will learn some things that shift the energy in your life just enough to bring in the energy you may be looking for more of. I absolutely recommend her services to anyone.”



"I have always looked for ways to improve various areas of my life: health, relationships, education, career, and spirituality. My experience has been that most programs target one area and follow a structured system to achieve a specific goal, which often leads to feelings of failure if the predetermined milestones are not met according to plan. Ansley's coaching is helping me identify imbalances in all areas of my life. She takes an individualized approach to setting and achieving goals that are designed not only to create balance, but also to move towards more satisfaction and joy. With Ansley's guidance, we work together to uncover what is important to me and what needs more attention in my life for better balance. She employs a variety of gentle methods, utilizing thoughtful questions, goal setting, strategic planning, and meditation. The process is fluid and feels safe and stress free. As we move through the journey, I realize not only how much I have achieved, but also how I am living with more calm intention and clear awareness. I highly recommend Ansley as a coach and mentor!”



"Space Alchemy was a wonderful journey. I had no idea there was so much to clutter clearing. I signed up thinking it would help me finally clear out those old boxes. It did do that but that’s just the beginning. Ansley’s program is a powerful guide to handling, dealing with and clearing all types of inner and outer clutter. Not only did I learn about all different types of clutter - physical, mental, energetic, digital, etc - I also learned so much about myself. I wasn’t expecting that last part! The program introduced to me to so many new rituals and ways to deal with all forms of my clutter and align with what I desire in life. It truly was incredible. I highly recommend it. Yes, you will finally clear off that counter space but you will gain so much more than just that!”



“Ansley helped me find freedom in fixed ideas and mindsets that were keeping me stuck.  Her process and questions led me to listen to and trust my intuition. She was very talented at listening to and repeating back what I said which really helped me to clarify my intentions and needs.”



"Illuminate was a wonderful course and I highly recommend it. Prior to Illuminate my idea of an intention was something that was set before yoga class and done simply because the instructor suggested it. Now that I have completed Illuminate, I set intentions even for the smallest of tasks (when I remember-its a work in progress!) and it truly has changed my life. The best part of Illuminate was opening my eyes that living with intention is so much more than a quick thought before yoga class. Living intentionally has already helped me become more productive, focused and mindful. I have increased enjoyment and gratitude for the activities I love and have changed my thought patterns regarding tasks I don’t like. And the inner journeys! My goodness! The inner journeys are outstanding. I’ve never experienced anything like them and would happily have them be a part of my life on the regular. Ansley is an incredible guide and I will happily take another one of her courses. I loved her approach. She does this gentle nudge to guide you but it is sneakily powerful. She has helped me look way outside the box when it comes to living intentionally and I will be forever changed. Thank you Ansley!”



“I found working with Ansley to be very helpful in decluttering the ancestral items I had acquired over many years. Ansley was a very attentive listener and very supportive through the process. Between our calls, she provided in-depth, reflective journal prompts which helped me move through the internal blocks to support the physical decluttering process. The help she offered throughout the process was very constructive. Ansley was very accessible and had practical comments and questions for reflection throughout the process. The steps she had me go through were instrumental in getting to the point of the actual Space Clearing Ceremony. The ceremony was pivotal in my living area. A beautiful experience. The joy and healing in our space is very evident. Thank you Ansley for your attention to detail and your sensitivity to the people you work with.”


"I have been following Ansley for awhile and even the free tips and suggestions just on Instagram have made a huge difference in my life. I didn’t realize I was holding onto things literally and energetically until I let go of items and saw other items or energies almost instantly flow to me! During PURSE POWER I learned a lot about the energetics of money. I have been making my spaces my purse a place where money wants to be. I felt like I learned a lot and enjoyed hearing Ansley's voice after never hearing it online before."


"I’ve been meaning to share this story with you for a while now. You may recall how important travel was to me the first round we did Space Alchemy and your other course Illuminate. I originally booked this bougie trip to Bali that I wouldn’t normally have treated myself to and that one ended up getting canceled which turned out actually to be okay because what I wound up doing in Bali was incredible. But fast forward to a few months ago, I put down a deposit for an even bougie-er trip. I went back-and-forth quite a bit and just finally decided that this was really important to me and I wanted to do it, and it’s gonna be like a lot of money and that’s kind of what was holding me back but I eventually put down the deposit and I was super excited. Then like a week later I wound up getting a production bonus from my job that basically will cover the entire trip! So it was just a wonderful synchronicity. For me it was just like the universe being like, “This is absolutely what you need to be doing and you worry about money all the time even though you don’t really need to and here is just more confirmation of that.” So it was super cool and again this message is super long overdue but I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve taught me so far and I’m super excited to start Space Alchemy 2.0!” (AKA Space Alchemy Sanctuary)



“REBIRTH has already been a powerful experience. Just to drop into the space of being more aware of my space, clothes, all of it - it’s super helpful! You are so gifted it’s incredible! Just from watching the intro to this course really changed me. So now I’m really stoked to participate in the full course.” 



“I have Marie Kondo’d my house a number of times but this time feels different. This time I have context. And consciousness, thanks to your teachings and the way you’re framing it.”


“It’s been so incredible finding my joy again. Thank you for helping me identify my greatest need.”


"I’ve just finished your guided meditation to connect with the inner child and I’ve never felt so relaxed, connected to my inner self and full of love. So, thank you so much for creating this meditation and sending it to me. I will definitely come back to it soon. You are such an amazing and inspiring personality!”


“Ansley has been a real game changer, helping to distinguish between what I want in my home, my life, and why… and what doesn’t serve me anymore. I like her philosophies… she just makes sense.”


“That was so wonderful. I can’t even describe it but wow gee so relaxed. I definitely released all kinds of things I couldn’t even verbalize. I was starting to feel guilty and shameful for not completing everything and all of that is gone. Those inner journeys are amazing! Thank you for sharing your gifts with me.”



Learn more about Ansley's current offerings and how you can work together.

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Drop the pressure around the "how" and "when" of your visions (because that's nature's job) and instead focus on cultivating an environment where they can truly thrive🌟

Claim your FREE guided inner journey to cultivate the inner garden of your dreams below.